Colour Theory
We are a production house brimming with talented creative minds. When working with a paying client, that is not the time to play around and take risks. We need our decisions to be a sure thing. It’s an important part of our creative development to make time to play around and try fresh ideas. For this photo and video piece, our concept revolved around the use of coloured light mixing across the human face.
A pleasing blend of colour and light were essential in creating these dynamic portraits. We began with two colours: magenta and blue, and moved through a series of portraits with our model. We incorporated motion by fanning Trinity’s long hair. The model’s makeup and hair were integral in the overall feel of the final images. Professional makeup artist Holly Decker created a dewy highlighted look, emphasizing the bow of the lip, finished with a juicy kissable pout. The makeup was universal, and worked seamlessly with the tones and cross lighting. We moved from two colours to three colours with our key light being a soft modifier spilling the cyan, as well as two harsh sources, with yellow on the left and magenta on the right.
When experimenting creatively like this, we can’t always be sure what will work and what won’t. We are so pleased with how everything came together to create the final result.
Thank you to Trinity from Edge Agency and Holly Decker for joining us in the studio.
Photography and film by Matt Ramage, Melissa Weir, and Ryley Konechny from Studio D.
Watch our highlight reel.