Documentation is an important part of large projects. The City of Saskatoon put out a bid that included the replacement of the dilapidated Victoria Bridge and a new north bridge and nine kilometres of roads connecting to the northeast neighbourhoods of Saskatoon.
Our first flight was a cold one. We captured the demolition of the first spans of the traffic bridge. After that, we started quarterly visits. The city required the documentation of the project in the services agreement. This was a set of photographs and update video created every three months for The City to share online.
One of the unique parts to this project is the first commercial use of drone photography for both Graham Construction and The City of Saskatoon. We jumped through all the hoops to be able to fly in the Saskatoon airspace. We were required to do ground school, a special application with NAV Canada and Transport Canada, and work with constantly changing rules.
We aren’t scared of a little hard work, and it paid off.